First Floor
Entering the iStore at the West elevation (Dartmouth) draws individuals to navigate the front facade along Boylston coming from the East and provides convenience for those traveling by subway from the West. Also, since Dartmouth and Boylston are both one way streets, choosing the West elevation as an entrance creates convenience for passanger drop off and pick up as Boylston is full of parking and seems to host a greater amount of traffic during our site studies.
Once entered into the iStore, you are presented with success stories of various Apple products. Having an iLounge as your first interaction gives you examples of how others enjoy using Apple products utelizing free WiFi Internet and places to sit and listen to music. The iCafe just inside the store increases usability for this space as somewhere to spend time. For convenience and reassurance of buying Apple products, the Genius Bar is located on the First Floor and is very visible to everyone. See Apple support working for others or as a convenience to access yourself. The elevator and main staircase are very visible. Locating these elements toward the North side of the store requires potential buyers to pass the highlighted product kiosks drawing attention to new and innovative Apple merchandise. Also placed on this floor is a Storage Room is access to the alley, Utility Room, Lavatories, and Janitorial Services.
Second Floor
Providing mostly products, the Second Floor is where a majority of public passer-by become shoppers will transpire. Hosting the "smaller" products that Apple sells, iPods, iPhones, iTunes, Speakers, Headphones, Cables and more will attract attention from those here to buy or just browsing. The products are dispersed across the entire floor plate. Along the Sout facade, one feature of the store is their iTunes listening stations. Located between the columns, iTunes kiosks where individuals can plug in their laptops, iPods, iPhones, or removable storage device and purchase music after first listening to the song OR entire albumn before buying. This area located above street level and overlooking Copley Square will be very popular once the store opens.
Third Floor
At the Third Floor level, laptops, TVs/Monitors, Software, and Computer Accessories attract the shopper with a purpose. The circulation again brings one directly into the product displays thus giving more exposure to new technologies. The checkout counter is located at the same location on each floor to provide sense of direction and foundation for completing a purchase. This floor slab does not extend all the way to the Southwest corner of the store to allow for a two story level below at the listening stations and provide more importance to the second and fourth levels.
Fourth Floor
At the Southeast corner where the asymptote of each curve is termonated by the curtain wall it the observation deck. This is just another draw of the public into the store. Navigating up to this level takes potential buyers by all products that Apple offers and then again going down. There are no seats, mechandise, or cafe at this level trying to limit the amount of time spent away from the cash register. On your way to the observation deck, notice the featured artis of the month at the Apple iGallery. Copley being a significant American artist, it is only fitting that Apple, Inc. and their dedication to supporting artists in several professions, host a gallery overlooking the square. At the North end of the store is sales support for educational and commercial purchases. Here the store manager, sales manager, and sales support can oversee movement and public interest around products at lower levels.
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