Wednesday, September 12, 2007

5 more half minute marvels


bac dmarch said...


DSCF5118 looks like the most natural fit for the model. It is not too complicated as some of the others seem to be. It is not too thought out as some of the others seem to be. It is a simple plane lifted by one corner.

I appreciate your trying to work in a way that is counter to your "normal" process. My suggestion is that you refine this out of some kind of board and integrate it into your overall model, (note I specifically did not say place it on your model). How it lifts, where it touches and what it does to those wonderful facades are all tricky steps that must be tested gently.

Let's see one or two tries and two elevations to see how things come together.

Matt Anderle said...


Thanks for the comments! I have been having thoughts about which one to proceed with as I feel my clay modeling has come to several resolutiions. I agree the "pulled plane" is elegant and will fit my building well. I will do more studies of this shape and work the facade and roof together. When you say board... do you mean chipboard or just another material? I am thinking I will carve it out of foam or some other similar material. Thanks again for the response.

bac dmarch said...


Any material is fine. As slong as it can integrate and not be placed on top of the full model.

Unknown said...


Thanks so much for a great comment. I mean this because you have opened my 'eyes' and I will now don my goggles to re-evaluate the underground atmosphere of the store level.

As for your clay modeling, I think they have been successful. I want to suggest the firm Asymptote for possible idea generators on the interior spaces... I know I will.

You have a great weekend of work. :)

Thanks again.

bac dmarch said...


Where's the building and roof combined. I haven't seen your building since the intesive and I am getting worried.