Saturday, September 29, 2007

Studio Final: Packaging

Progression and visual description
of my model and packaging.

Starting Small
The small boxes in my packaging contain all the information and accessories for my iStore. Each of them contained very cleanly within the concept for my design. I will reveal the overall package design further down on this post to allow everyone to experience the intricacies, before the final presentation of 'The Package'.

Site Plan: Small Box

One Column & Summer Tree Accessories: Column & Small Box

Summer Tree Accessories: Small Box

One Column & Autumn Tree Accessories: Column & Small Box

Autumn Tree Accessories: Small Box

Owner's Booklets: Small Box

Getting Bigger

Stacked Profile Photo: All 4 Columns

Assembled Package Design: All 4 Columns Connected

Final Package Concept

The concept behind my packaging started with the building design. The main column structural element on the corner of Boylston and Dartmouth shapes views of the public both into my building and out over Copley Square. I wanted to use this concept and promote view and revealing something to the buyer. I tried several different plan layouts for the package; square, rectangular and very vertical, but they didn't achieve the look and feel I wanted to present this building. Placing four columns in an 'X' configuration proved to be perfect for revealing my product as it was opened.

Final Package: All 4 Columns Connected & iStore

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